Colonies of intricate and glowing silken threads float in the vast Universe. These "constellations of three-dimensional sculptures" are spun by terrestrial life forms called Araneae.

These sublime works of art woven by various species of spiders—through their interwoven nature—inspires us to contemplate the notions of connections, interdependence, and cooperation at every level of existence—from the micro to the macro, from cellular to galactic, from humans to non-humans, from the tangible to the intangible…

This interwoven universe also connects us to a very special human artist(1). He generously gifts us with otherworldly three-dimensional creations that were authored by non-human artists, the spiders. Starting from the basis of spiders and the webs they weave, the human artist attunes us to connections that are ever so subtle, fragile, and invisible. The spiritual inclination of his search, to unearth the hidden poetry of a spider's world, opens our eyes to see beauty in that which we would normally neglect and to urge a non-anthropocentric view of life.

Being immersed in the midst of these wondrous and luminous floating colonies, in a physical space that metaphorizes the vast Universe, compels us to stop and contemplate something bigger, that which transcends art, artists, or art museums. We are reminded of the endless webs of connectivity between things. We remember the web of life. And we come to the simple yet poignant realization that Everything is interconnected.


This story was inspired by
Tomás Saraceno's
Webs of At-tent(s)ion,

depicted in the photographs.
It was an installation made up of
76 hybrid sculptures
interwoven by multiple
spider species.

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Everything is interconnected,
as are the silken threads of a spider web,
as the web is to the spider,
his ears, eyes and mouth.

Everything is interconnected,
as the Moon stirs the Sea,
as the Sun conjures Rain,
as the Earth, Water, Air and Light
integrate into one another, activating one another.

Everything is interconnected,
as the river is to the ocean,
as the ocean is to the atmosphere,
as the atmosphere is to the earth.

Everything is interconnected,
as land shapes culture,
as culture creates language,
as language preserves culture.

Everything is interconnected,
as the ecosystem in our body,
as what is inside of us,
is connected to what is outside of us.

Everything is interconnected,
as our wishes can touch the thought of someone far away,
as our thoughts can create war or peace,
as our actions can affect Earth's elements.

Everything interconnects to create a whole,
as Earth's elements forge life,
as threads reveal fabric,
as events weave a person's life,
as our actions pave the future.

Everything is alive, palpable and divine,
even things we consider inanimate,
even things that are invisible,
even things that are silent.

Everything is interconnected.

1) "The human artist" = Tomás Saraceno
Tomás Saraceno's exhibition, "ON AIR" was held at Palais de Tokyo, in Paris, from October 2018 to January 2019. The photographs document his installation, Webs of At-tent(s)ion.

Mona Kim is the Founder and Curator of Moowon magazine. As the Creative Director of award-winning multidisciplinary design studio, Mona Kim Projects, she has been conceiving public space experiences and large-scale experiential projects for global brands and cultural institutions. Her museum and exhibition design for the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, World Expo, Museum of Tomorrow (Museu do Amanhã), and UNESCO-sponsored projects, gave her the opportunity to document and be exposed to some of the most distinctive examples of social realities and cultural expressions. On these projects, she had co-curated world issues such as endangered languages, cultural diversity and sustainability. The Moowon project is an extension of this background. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, WWD(Women's Wear Daily), The Creative Review, and in publications by Gestalten and The Art Institute of Chicago.